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2024 ChemE Cube Senior Design Project

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
3 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 15, at 11:55 PM MDT
Project Owners

The Final Countdown!

April 15, 2024

I'm excited to announce that our team has successfully assembled the Carbon Capture Cube—a significant milestone in our journey towards sustainable engineering solutions. This innovative technology represents a crucial step forward in our efforts to combat climate change by capturing carbon emissions efficiently and effectively.

As we approach E-Days this Friday, April 19th, our team is working tirelessly to ensure that everything is in place for a successful showcase of our project. E-Days presents a valuable opportunity for us to share our work with the wider community and gather feedback from peers and professionals alike. In addition to our preparations for E-Days, we are also focusing on our upcoming business presentation scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th. This presentation will provide us with the opportunity to pitch our project to a board of professionals and receive valuable feedback on the viability and potential impact of our business model.

Your continued support has been instrumental in driving our progress, and we are immensely grateful for your commitment to our project. Together, we are making meaningful strides towards a more sustainable future.

Internal Integration, Enclosure, and Outreach Initiatives

April 01, 2024

Throughout the past couple weeks, the team has displayed promising progress in the Carbon Capture Cube. This includes but is not limited to the implementation of internal components where clear acrylic paneling was added in the cubic skeleton in addition to internal components placed inside these walls. This being said, the team is brainstorming ways of a hinge wall feature for the ceiling of the cube to make the internal components more easily accessible without compromising the integrity of the cube’s structure. In addition to cube components, we have actively collaborated with our outreach advisor to explore avenues of presenting the Carbon Capture Cube at local high schools. Our aim is to spark interest in chemical and sustainable engineering practices where younger individuals will have the opportunity to practice these hands-on concepts. Additionally, there is a possibility of exhibiting the cube at SPUR or other educational facilities to serve as an educational tool to inform the public about the product and how we are addressing environmental challenges.

As we continue to strive towards project goals, we are deeply grateful for all the generous support we have received, fueling our passion and drive to develop an impactful device while learning valuable skills in the process. 

Nearing the Final Stretch

March 20, 2024

    Over the past few weeks, the Carbon Capture Crew has delved deeper into the internal makeup of the Carbon Capture Cube to ensure that a functional prototype is put together before Engineering-days on Friday, April 19th.

    As we approach the final stages of the project, we are preparing a business presentation to a board of esteemed business professionals and the dean of the College of Engineering to get feedback on the feasibility of our device as a start-up. In addition, we are diving deeper into what it will take to present the Carbon Capture Cube to local middle and high schools to spark interest in chemical engineering, climate change solutions, and the role engineers play in mitigating environmental issues. 

    We are committed to not only pushing boundaries with innovation in the Carbon Capture Cube but also to fostering a culture of sustainability and responsibility that inspires the next generation of engineers.